Saturday, August 15, 2009

Too Much Food for Thought

Today, I realized why men aren't as expressive as women. They lack that monthly mood swing when most women spend it over-eating, and over analyzing anything and everything. It makes me wonder: are men indeed less in touch with their feelings because they don't go through a monthly week-long emotional epiphany; or, are women just over-emotional because mother nature felt it was necessary to cloud us with depression once every month?

I may never know the answer, but at least I found a cool quote today. It's from my favorite Sex and the City episode entitled "The Real Me". I really wish I watched this episode during this past year, when I felt like I was digging myself into a professional and academic shit hole. I guess it's appropriate that I dug this up after getting myself back on track.

"I had a choice. I could slink off the runway and let my inner model die of shame…or I could pick myself up, flaws and all, and finish. And that’s just what I did; because when real people fall down in life, they get right back up and keep on walking." -Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the City)

Good to know that I'm still walking...hopefully in the right direction.