Sunday, August 30, 2009

Just Say "Whatever"

Is Power the new recreational drug? If so, then when consumed, can it be handled by just anyone? Or will some of us go on a bad trip?

I never understood how or why people can never be satisfied with where they are. Is it because they don't have anything to be proud of in their current position? People always want more. Nothing is ever enough.

I've dedicated my entire summer adhering to my promise that I made to serve the students who need me. I was told that I've gone through a complete one-hundred-eighty-degree change. I know I have; I made sure of that. However, there's always going to be someone who just can't handle me being too "perfect", so I'm always going to have to deal with those petty comments about whatever small thing that is brought up to be criticized.

I take my mom to church every Sunday. Just a little tidbit: I was baptized into Christianity on October 7, 2007. Since then, I have left that church and searched for a new one. No luck. The church I take my mom to is catholic, and I take her because I love her, but I don't follow that religion. Mother Mary is the only form of a mother that she has left, and I would do anything to keep my mom happy and comfortable.

Enough of that. Today in church, the sermon was about perseverance above persecution. I was a little creeped out about how closely the lesson applied to my current issues. The priest said, no matter how hard you try to be a good person, or to do the right thing, or to better yourself, there is always going to be someone out there trying to find something about you to criticize. Don't get discouraged by hypocritical judgement. Don't let people who focus on the non-essentials get you down. The better you are, the harder people are going to try and bring you down.

Even better advice came from my mom today (which can be viewed in paraphrase in my Tweets). She told me that insignificant people tend to focus on insignificant issues. Of course they want to be as important as I am, but their way of getting noticed is through the only avenue they've always known to travel: immature criticism. She told me to really think about the people who try and criticize me. Are they doing it to challenge me to make me into a better person? Or are they simply doing it to utilize me as a stepping stool so they can climb to the top? My mother is a very intelligent woman, and I love her to death. She concluded by telling me, "Comments and criticism from people who don't matter, simply don't matter, and don't warrant any of your extra attention."

I guess I will never know what the need for power will feel like because I'm already where I want to be in every aspect of my life. However, when someone tries to emanate their power trip onto me, I won't say "no" and try to argue with them, nor will I say "yes" and succumb to their criticism. I will just say: "Whatever".