Thursday, August 27, 2009

Floating Forward

I dwell too much on the past, and dream too much about the future.

The reason I never fully enjoy the present, is because I spend my life living in the regret of never enjoying my past to its fullest extent. The reason I live a life of regret, is because my present days never live up to the dreams I have of my future.

I spend my life asking "What if?"
"What if I had done things differently?"


"What if I don't get into the school of my dreams?"

Time is constantly trying to catch up to my immeasurable expectations as I'm constantly just chasing my dreams. I'm still not sure if I view Time as a friend or enemy. I'm not sure if I'm trying to run from it, or looking to it for help. In the end, I always concede to letting Time catch up to me.

When this happens I always ask it, "Where have you gone?" The answer is always that Time has never left me, I've simply chosen to ignore its essence.

There is nothing I can ever do that will change the past; I need to stop dwelling. If I keep allowing myself to be anchored by regrets, my dreams will all float away, and I will never be able to catch them. It's time to enjoy the present time that I'm living in; this way, I won't have to look back with regret and the wonder of why I never fully enjoyed myself.

From now on, I will be working on moving nowhere but onward and upward. People need me, and I need to tend to them, I can't just disregard them as I float along in my own pathetic reverie. I've come realize that everything I set in front of myself can be acquired, once I stop looking back and wandering off course. No more looking back; my future is waiting.