Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I'm going to be MIA for a couple days. Ok two days. I need some Tina Time. Since College started, I have become a non-stop working machine, and when I didn't have any work to do, I would go out. I haven't really been home for a very long time. However, I am very happy with the results of this semester. I'm excited for my Journalism scholarship, and above all that, THE HOLIDAYS ARE HERE! Anyway, this staying at home business is not going well for me because already I am tempted by others to go out, even if it's just to Corner Bakery. So this is just to let everyone know not to tempt me to go out. This is good for me; I'm never home, so this should be good change. My parents would be able to finally see my face again. This won't last for long, I will come out of hibernation on Friday for the Christmas Dinner with my Dysfunctional Family. I'm debating whether or not I should hibernate again afterwards until New Years Eve, that is something I would have to discuss with myself, but for now, Break is here, I have dealt with all of my class issues, and now I'm going to settle down with my new book. I love you all and I will see you soon. =)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dear Finals,

I come to you to let you know that you suck, and you have done nothing but cause misery on me for the past two weeks or so. I know that in the long run you will be rather beneficial to me, but the words lectured to me by my parents can have the same effect. If I wanted to be put through a period of excruciating anxiety, I would go to my parents and ask them to explain to me why I should not go out too much. Everything is of good intentions, but I do not want to sit through the process. So, yes I understand that you only want the best for me, but in return shouldn't you at least try to alleviate some stress? I mean I'm doing my best to cooperate with you, but you are not doing the same. Like I said, you suck, but I need you, and I hate that I need you.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Will Someone Please Tell Me...


after being such a great friend, daughter, girlfriend, and overall good person,
and getting good grades, and watching loud, annoying little perstering children,
and putting up with a bunch of lunatics from church who are like telemarketers,
but not ONCE snapping at them because I know that it is all under good intentions,
and being nice to every person I run into, and even those I don't even like at all,
and giving good advice, and not being a big pest, and being really responsible,
and never holding a grudge partly because I'm too lazy to, but that's not the point,
and always trying to stay away from anger because I know it benfits nothing and no one,
and taking part in things that I don't have to, but I just like to help out (ie: Brother's wedding)
(and I ask you again WHY)

did God decide to curse me with pimples?

All I ask for in life is completely, clear and flawless skin, and I can't even have that. What have I done to deserve such cruel and unusual punishment?

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Me: I thought you would never go for a girl like me cause you kept showing us the most beautiful Persian girl in the world and the most beautiful Indian girl and I was like UGH! What about the most beautiful ASIAN girl in the world huh?

Him: Why would I do that when you were sitting right next to me?

Hehehehe <3

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Feelings Show

When I like a guy so much I can't get him off my mind, sometimes I feel that mentioning him in everything I talk about would relieve some nerves. It won't be difficult to bring him into a conversation because he's constantly on my mind; so much so that occasionally I might let his name slip out at the wrong time.

I have been through all of that before and I understand how she feels. I'm not mad, I can't be angry at someone for having feelings for him. I don't mind at all. Everyone is entitled to their own feelings.

However it's when feelings turn into actions that might create a problem. I don't want this to be a problem.

And it's not. =)

I'm hungry and I'm fat. I should go running today. I think I'm going to re-read the seventh Harry Potter book. Yes. =)

That and finals are in two weeks.
One week left of classes.

Yeah I might die of stress.
I feel like a failure, like all my hardwork just wasn't enough. I feel helpless because there's not much left that I can do.

Math during intersession.....oh sure why not.