Thursday, November 15, 2007

Small Talk is All Talk

People are mean. All they do is make judgments and don't choose to know the background story just so they can run with their lame assumptions. It's a whirlwind of gossip and it's gotten back to me.

It always has a way of getting back to me. And why me? Am I that interesting of a topic to discuss? Everywhere I go people always have something to talk about. Or at least I thought people always HAD something to talk about. This isn't higschool anymore guys grow up.

When I talk about someone it's because they're not around and I just express my thoughts then and there. And does it get back to them? Oh yeah, by me. I'm not afraid to tell someone I have a problem with them, in the end everything usually turns out better that way. Honesty is always best. The sooner the truth comes out, the sooner the pain subsides.

I understand it might all just be based off of jealousy and some of it is, but with that person I really couldn't care less what she says about me, she's probably hurt too and she needs to alleviate her sadness somehow. If she needs to bag on me and my personality that she knows nothing about then fine, I hope she's happy. I really do. However when it's coming from people I actually like it takes a different toll on me. This is coming from those I actually thought liked me. I thought you were my friends......This hurts guys. All I can say is: please stop. If not then, well I guess it was nice knowing you for as long as your honesty with me lasted.

You don't know about my relationships and what goes on in them so please stop making snide remarks and stupid assumtions. Remember that it's actually a human being that you're talking about, and in this case it's two and I happen to care about both of them so just stop. Thanks.