Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tell Me...

The elections are over. Obama is our new president; animals are being provided better living conditions for their short life spans, and homosexuals are denied the right to marry. I haven't really said much about the outcome of the elections until now, after I have heard several different opinions and given the results some elaborate thought. Now I understand why it was necessary for Proposition 8 to pass. To those of you whom I rallied "No on 8" with, I am sorry that I am providing you with possibly and immense amount of disappointment, but I have my justifications. So just hear me out.

The image of our country is at stake. Racism still exists; Gender Inequality is present in most work forces; animals are being mistreated; and same-sex couples are allowed to be married. Same. Sex. Marriage. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. All of this madness needs to be stopped if we want to protect the ideologies of our nation.

So long as racism still occurs, there is still hate. A woman being denied equal pay for equal work because of her gender is a form of discrimination. Also, those of you who believe it's fine to mistreat an animal because its fate is to die anyway, I ask you: don't you have the same fate? Or are you immortal and will live forever, thus deserve the right to a comfortable life? Sorry. That wasn't my point. I'm on the subject of how we should eliminate hate and discrimination.

Yes hate and discrimination are wrong, but what does that have to do with marriage and whether or not we should allow a man to marry a man or a woman to marry a woman? Just because we deny homosexuals of a civil right does not mean we hate them, and it definitely does not mean we are discriminating against them.

Hate the sin, not the sinner.

We don't hate them, we just want to protect the image of marriage which is the basis of a good family; and good families are the foundation of our nation. Right? A child simply cannot be raised by two fathers, or two mothers. It's wrong and disgusting. Two men or two women are simply incapable of providing a child with just as much love as a man and a woman can.

We've come to accept inter-racial marriage, because over time, we finally realized that: yes, even though a person has a different skin color, he or she is still a human being with the ability to love. This is why today, we see so many people of different races getting married to each other. It's so beautiful! This is what our country is all about! Equality for all! But homosexuals? Well yes, they are indeed human beings as well, but their ability to love is just...different. And we don't like that. Different is strange. Different is scary. Different is unacceptable.

As the bible says in Leviticus 20:13:
"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

There you go. It says so in the Bible itself. Now do you understand where I am coming from? As someone who has studied the Bible, and was baptized in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Ghost, I told myself that I would live every day of my life by the words of God.

Oh but wait...

Luke 6:31 says:
"Do to others as you would have them do to you."

I know I took away your civil rights, but please don't take away mine. I only want the best for you. I understand that you cannot marry the person you love because they are of the same sex, but I promise you that I am doing you a favor. What exactly is the favor that I am doing for you? Well...I'm not sure, but just trust me. This is right.

I know that my post might have stirred some anger in some readers, but really, I'm just speaking as an American on behalf of my country. I am proud to be a resident of California, a state that has taken away the rights of marriage from those who do not fit the mold. I'm going to protest, not with those who are "against denying human beings of civil rights", but with those who truly know the values of our country.

So after hearing what I had to say, I surely hope you understand why I said what I said. I am so blessed to be living in such a beautiful country, and I am not going to let anything untraditional taint the image of this nation. Our country, being built off of rebellious revolutions, cannot allow anything that does not fit the normal standards that our founding fathers set for us so long ago. That is why we must forever stick with traditional marriage.

It is safer, and right.

So tell me, if it were your choice, which America would you prefer?

This one?
Or this one?

Yeah...I feel safer with the latter as well.