Monday, July 28, 2008

Achieving the Unachievable

My days have become occupied with an onslaught of impertinent tasks that I feel will better me in no way at all. It seems to be a huge challenge for me to drag my caffeine-induced body from one point to the next without collapsing on the way. I find myself mindlessly scheduling in more than I can handle, ultimately making myself late to every next class, unable to make that meeting on time, or forgetting to see that friend that I promised to catch up with. Never before have I felt so confined and so completely drained of energy.

It sucks to grow up. Responsibility is a bitch. I still have an inbox full of emails that I have yet to answer. My parents think I'm never home enough, my friends think I never see them enough, my professors think I don't participate enough, and my dog thinks I don't love him enough.

I'm torn between all these obligations to please the world.

In the end, the most unhappy individual is me, and what eats me up is that I can't seem to find a single solution to any of my problems.