Monday, July 28, 2008

Achieving the Unachievable

My days have become occupied with an onslaught of impertinent tasks that I feel will better me in no way at all. It seems to be a huge challenge for me to drag my caffeine-induced body from one point to the next without collapsing on the way. I find myself mindlessly scheduling in more than I can handle, ultimately making myself late to every next class, unable to make that meeting on time, or forgetting to see that friend that I promised to catch up with. Never before have I felt so confined and so completely drained of energy.

It sucks to grow up. Responsibility is a bitch. I still have an inbox full of emails that I have yet to answer. My parents think I'm never home enough, my friends think I never see them enough, my professors think I don't participate enough, and my dog thinks I don't love him enough.

I'm torn between all these obligations to please the world.

In the end, the most unhappy individual is me, and what eats me up is that I can't seem to find a single solution to any of my problems.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What I've Learned So Far

- Grudges, anger and complaints take you nowhere, so don't waste your time.
- Lying is a tendency, don't trust those that carry out even one.
- Everyone has a story, everyone. Get to know them first (really well) then talk all the shit you want.
- But keep in mind shit talking betters no one. Not them. Not yourself, not God. So save your breath, and instead teach the person a thing or two.
- Communication is is the key to a good relationship. Use it, and doors will be opened to greater opportunities, forget about it, and tension will lock you out.
- Time heals all broken hearts. Thanks for the lessons learned.
- Chasing wears you out. Don't do it. Ever. The one you're after is running in the other direction for a reason. 
- Pursuing is different. 
- Things end for a reason.
- Everyone is here to teach you something. Appreciate all.
- Stupidity is contagious, don't let it get to you.

I'm going on for too long. Let's just say that I've got a grip of lessons that I learned from this passed year. I've fallen on my ass, fallen on my face, fallen in love, and fallen for someone else. I've been beaten, broken, picked up, and healed. One thing's for sure is that help is always there when you need it the most. Always. It just depends on if you are humble enough to ask for it. I've shed my fair share of tears, and through it all, I am proud to say that it was all a good experience. So no hard feelings, I'm so much stronger and smarter, and the best part is, I get to share my advice with everyone who needs it.

As for my summer, it is coming along beautifully. It started off with my a surprise party thrown for me by my amazing friends. It ended with an unexpected guest who has stuck with me since. Best birthday party, best birthday gift, and best friends. I had the best time. haha BEST. I'm lovin' this whole flying solo thing, it's a lot of fun, but I don't know how much longer it's going to last. Cause I'm on a fucking good one. British Columbia is beautiful, but tomorrow I will be sleepless in Seattle. 

Life in the Mirror

I've got a grip of lessons that I learned from this past year. I've fallen on my ass, fallen on my face, fallen in (and out of) love, and fallen for another. I've been beaten, broken, tested, thrown aside, picked up, and healed. I discovered that help is always there when you need it the most. Always. It just depends on if you are humble enough to ask for it. I've shed my fair share of tears, shed off another year of my life, and got rid of all hurtful emotions.

I am proud to honestly say that it was all a good experience. So no hard feelings, I'm so much stronger, smarter, and more equipped for what's out there, and the best part is, I get to share my advice with everyone who needs it.

- Holding a grudge is like carrying bricks instead of books in your backpack. You just end up wasting your time with a useless burden on your shoulders.

- Anger is a pointless emotion. Before getting angry at someone, ask yourself: Will this better me, my situation or the other person in anyway? If you answer no to any of the questions, keep your temper damnit.

- Complaining gets you nowhere, and it annoys the shit out of those who have to listen to you. Shut up, get off your ass, and get yourself what you want.

- Everyone has a story, everyone. You don't know what they've been through, so adding a negative light into their life is not going to make matters better. Get to know them first (really well) then talk all the shit you want.

- But keep in mind shit talking betters no one. Not them. Not yourself, not your dog. So save your breath, and instead teach the person a thing or two if you disagree with their principles so much.

- Communication is is the key to any good relationship. Use it, and doors will be opened to greater opportunities, lose it, and tension will lock you out.

- Chasing wears you out. Don't do it. Ever. The one you're after is running in the other direction for a reason. Also, "Things end for a reason." (wise words from Aylin's sister).

- Everyone is here to teach you something. Appreciate all. On the contrary stupidity is contagious, don't let it get to you. Just love!

Sorry, I'm not preaching, just sharing what I have personally learned. Summer nights leave me pensive. So does reading for hours on end. I'm so ready for Poli Sci though, I want the test to open soon. Bring it bitch.

I have to wake up at 6:30 am to catch a ferry that would take me back to Seattle, Washington, and I also have that test to take. However it's not the test that's keeping me up, but rather the thought of having to wake up at the crack of dawn. Irony amuses me. Goodbye Victoria, you were such a beautiful city. Seattle here I come! I am happy to say that my trip is in descending mode. Halfway done, and I'm headed back home! Yaaaayyy, good...night/morning! 0=)