Thursday, January 31, 2008

Democratic Rally

I know this is long, but I promise you, it's worth reading. Cause I had an amazing day, and I NEVER blog about the events of my day.

First off...

I know, I know. I should've stayed home tonight. I'm so bad at sticking with promises to myself. I haven't written anything in like four days. Well three. But the point is I should've stayed home today. Too bad I went to LA for the DEMOCRATIC RALLY AND DEBATE!!!!

Of course the rally was extremely fun; one of the best and most memorable experiences of my life. We got the crowd so riled up, and we even started some chants. It was so fun. Then the debate came on and everyone watched it on a huge screen outside; it was a little cold, but looking back, I absolutely loved the experience. I will post up pictures when Asha posts them.

We left a little early to avoid the traffic and mob, and we got stopped by two guys from CNN and we were asked to answer some questions about being new voters. It was not a partisan interview at all, yet people started crowding around and yelling "HILLARY HILLARY HILLARY" and "OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA" good thing my interview was first, before the people started coming out. Stupid annoying people I swear. 

Anyway, I loved seeing the Hollywood sign on the hills, and walking down the Walk of Fame, and after studying about the first film stars and seeing them everywhere, it just made everything so much more beautiful. No really. The very first great actors and actresses of Hollywood. So amazing. That was all great, and then came the drive back to Orange County. Of course with Aylin's lack of direction we ended up in K-Town when we were supposed to be on the 101.

Being lost in LA was actually a fun experience. The frustration, and no joke, almost getting into a huge four car collision, was really a lot to laugh about. Then we got back to the Obama Headquarters in Santa Ana, and got some dinner. The boys were dropped off at the headquarters and Aylin, Asha, and I went to get dinner with just us girls.

I really had so much fun today. Girl Talk is always good, and food is always the best. I'm extremely tired now. I have a programming meeting tomorrow, then I'm going straight home again, cause I really need to be at home more often. Especially since I'm gonna be out this whole weekend. Yaayyy, I love Obama!!!! I love my shirts, I love my posters, and I wish we could've shopped in that beautiful Kodak Theatre mall. Oh well.

So basically, today was an amazing day. =) I lost my voice, I hurt my feet, I might be sick, and I love my friends. <3