Sunday, September 30, 2007

Cold Toes

I am going to tell you now, that this entry might drive you insane because my thoughts are completely random because I am tired and extremely delusional from a full day of planning and shopping.

I'm going to miss summer. I hate wearing clothes, it's so bothersome, but it is fun to dress up so I guess I'll survive. Speaking of clothes, I still haven't found a dress for the Chancellor's Ball yet and it's next Friday. Like I said, if I don't find anything, I'm not going. Richard might murder me though. Why am I so worried about a dress? I feel like I'm in high school.

Of course I can always go naked.

Some guy ran naked through the library on campus last week. Right on. I think he was trying to tell me something. I fortunately didn't witness it; I only heard about it. But I wouldn't be surprised if he had a sign over his head saying "TINA! THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD WEAR TO THE BALL!"

Anway fall is here and the leaves are falling! I love stepping on crunchy leaves, I need to get my paycheck soon, like this week would be nice, or sometime next week before Friday? There's a limo and hotel room that needs to be paid for. Yadidamean? There better be dancing.

I don't understand why my brother can't plan his own wedding. Sure he teaches at the Princeton Review but that doesn't mean he doesn't have time to plan his own goddamn wedding! Don't ask about the fiance, she's busy too I guess, selling puppies. Well aparently she's not that busy because she hasn't gotten me a puppy yet! Yeah I'm being a brat, so slap me. You would bitch too if you had to plan a wedding that's not even yours with only your parents to help you.

I've been happy for about a month or so now. Kind of a record for me. I feel rather accomplished. I think it's important to say that I love my life. I aced my first major exam and I also aced my first major paper. Now all I have to worry about is the never-ending shitload of reading. But hey, that's college for you. UCLA in two years anyone? I have some roomies already picked out [Richard, Asha, and Kathleen please].

The celebration for Latino Heritage Month is coming up on Wednesday, I encourage everyone to go out and support the Hispanics (or whatever they want to be called or feel is politically correct). I'm excited to dress up as Princess Jasmine for Halloween and have Richard be my Raja. He's going to be the hottest tiger ever. Rawr.

I wanna carve a pumpkin.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Associated Student Government

I MADE IT!!!! I'm sad that the people lost my application even though it was one of the first to be submitted. Anyway the deadline for ASG interviews were yesterday at noon but my lovely friends pulled some strings for me OH HOW I LOVE THEM. Too bad all the Senator positions were already decided yesterday but I'm happy that I got the position of Associate Justice. Good start right? I'm excited for the Chancellor's Ball on Octover 12th. Yaayy! Pretty dresses hehehe. So today was a great day because after my interview this morning I felt great because I knew that it went well. Then getting the call that I was able to attend the meeting just boosted up my second class then actually hearing my name be called at the meeting was amazing.

And on top of that the hot life gaurd talked to me today at swim. I showed up late because the ASG meeting didn't end until like five and I stuck around to solve a riddle haha. Anyway, swim practice started at 5 I showed up at 6. BUT he TALKED to me! eeeeeek!

"Fashionably late?"
"I had a meeting!"

OH I'M IN LOVE! So ok he only said three words to me but those three words can be the foundation to something beautiful. his face. AKDSHKLHADFL

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I got out of class at around one or so in the afternoon and made a quick stop at the mall because I was having withdrawls. Yeah WITHDRAWLS from shopping. I still haven't worn everything from the last time I went and now I've been going like every other day. I'm so mad at myself but then again not really. Which makes me even more mad at myself cause I'm not mad at myself enough. But I'm happy now and I think I'm going to lay low on all this for now. Well after Saturday anyway. Yeah after Saturday I'm going to be a good girl with my money. Especially since I don't even have a job haha. I need to get on that. Um. Soon.

Yaaayy green!

Monday, September 03, 2007


I'm very proud of myself for having finished most of my homework. Today I'm going to read some more of Cannery Row and then type up my paper and then read some more for Psych. Hopefully I can get all of this done before say...five? I have to if I want to make it to Gamey's BBQ and then be home by...eleven? For school tomorrow.

It was unbelievably hot at the block yesterday. ew BUT I bought new clothes so yay; more shopping Saturday please! I wanna go to H&M at the Irvine Spectrum. But I think I'm booked so NEXT WEEKEND IS SHOPPING WEEKEND! hehe yaayy!